Educational Folders

These Educational Kits were created to focus on the development of Visual Perceptual Skills for Children aged     4–6 years.

During this age, children are in the process of developing a foundation for learning; where they will start to read, write and spell. The learning that takes place during this period is of vital importance.  Introducing a Visual Perceptual program for ages 4 –  6, ensures children are given a head-start, and a good foundation for reading and writing, as well as assisting them with development in all other areas, e.g. mathematics and language.

According to the Foundations for Learning, Assessment Framework for Grade R’s, written by the RSA Department of Basic Education:

“In Grade R perceptual work is extremely important because it underpins and prepares the foundations for future learning. Educators are to make sure that they spend sufficient time building these perceptual skills daily and throughout the course of the year.”

These kits are developed to assist the Gr R teacher in enhancing the educational play-time slot in the day programme, as well as assisting in the achievement of various CAPS outcomes. Although created for Gr R classes, the Educational Kit can be highly effective for home-schooling, therapists and other pre-school classes.

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